Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Her Day! Mother's Day!

Well, Mom's Day finally arrived. It just happened to come the day before Mother's Day, May10,2008.
But I say, She got the best Mother's day present anyone could've given her. She got to see
JESUS face to face and she also got to see her own MOM, my sweet Nana.

In my last post I said I knew Mom was on the decline and I was right. I also said that I was alright and I think I will be. Letting go has been much harder than I thought. I am so grateful for the assurance of where she is. Knowing she is in no pain and that she is rejoicing with her Lord gives me great peace.
Mother knew this day was coming and had done as much as possible to have things in order. She had given me all her wishes for the Celebration Service and I must say it was truly that a celebration of what God had done in her life. She was truly a testimony to many and her greatest desire was that God would be glorified. He was!
Mom had asked all her granchildren to participate in the service and I am proud to say they all did. The oldest two spoke of how their Grannie had been such a part of their lives and they were inspired by her Faith. Her next grandaughter sang, "In the Garden" (He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own) and I am sure she listened with great joy.
My three younger children were very close to my Mom. They spent many a weekend with her. She stayed many weeks with us while recovering from her different surgeries. She delighted in their music and they were glad to share it as a tribute to her. JWN played "In Christ Alone"on the piano; SMN and JHN played "Be Thou my Vision and "Amazing Grace on the violin." My mom never met a stranger and it was obvious in the number of people from her high school years, our childhood years, her working days and her dear church friends. What a Life she lived! What Life she shared. I am forever grateful for the Life she Gave me. She was my best girlfriend and I miss her terribly. It will be a long time before I don't reach for the phone to call her since we talked nearly twice a day every day. It will be a while before there's not this ache to talk to her.

Thank you all for your prayers and notes of encouragement, it means a lot. This will be a big change for me since the last 3-5 yrs. I have spent so much of my time with Mom, whether it be in the hospital or taking her for her chemo or just simply spending as much time as I could with her. I am not exactly sure where to start but for now I just feel like I need to focus on my family
and enjoy the few (2 to be exact) years left with my middle son before he heads off to what I believe may be a long process to MD.(He thinks maybe a Cardiologist) I'm not sure, but I'm glad I know the One who is sure and He holds that young man's future in His hands.( What a peace that brings and a relief.)

Once again I say Thank YOU for all your prayers.


Technonana said...

Oh Sweet Cheryl... How my heart aches for you!!! There will always be times when you wish you could talk to your mother!!! Always things to share, and moments when you wish you could consult with her. How I wish I could reach out and hug you!! Please never hesitate to contact me is you would like to talk... my own sweet mother has been gone now for almost 5yrs. It really doesn't seem that long since Jesus took her home... But now they can be young together again... no more pain, no more tears, no more sorrow!!! Love you, much!!!

nanatrish said...

Thank you for coming by my blog. You had such sweet things to say. I read your blog about losing your mother and it was so touching. My mother has been gone since Dec 1978 and every day I wish I could call her and tell her so many things. She died when I was 29 and I wish I could have had her longer, but the truth is she would rather be with the Lord. I can't believe you are from the Home of the Masters. On the weekends I live just a few miles from there and on the weekdays I live in Atlanta. I also want to tell you to contact me if you ever want to talk about your mom. There is a special place in our hearts for our mothers. Your family looks beautiful. I am going to try and get some pictures on my blog soon. I just am not a computer whiz. I do enjoy my blogging friends. I'll be back.

JeanMac said...

I'm so sorry for you and remember so well the loss when my Mom passed away.