Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful for Likeminded Friends!!!

This week has been a reminder to me of how important likeminded friends are.

My dear friend Mishelle and her 5 boys came to visit us on Monday afternoon and stayed till today. So all together we had 7 boys and 1 girl between the ages of 7 yrs. and my almost 16 yr.old. S didn't mind, she is used to being the only girl most of the time. She can play ball, bandage cuts, or serve lemonade to the little ones. She is a real trooper!! It was funny to hear people that I knew say," How many are coming?" That's a long time to stay with someone," One person even said "YUCK!!"

But, Oh! you don't know my friend, her boys and how are families get along.

When she called and told me they were coming we could hardly wait. When they arrived, it was like we had never been apart. We only get to visit maybe 1-2 times a year.

Once we got everything unpacked we decided it would be fun to pretend we were at the BEACH!!

The kids thought it was great. So we stayed up late, talking, listening to Odyssey,reading, playing games or watching movies. We slept late, stayed in our PJ's drinking coffee till 10 am and went to the pool. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. It was not loud or disorderly. Much the contrary, it was organized and FUN!

We didn't stay in the kitchen cooking and cleaning the whole week. We cooked and the kids paired up( 1 older,1 younger)to clean the kitchen. After they cleaned up each night I made dessert. A little incentive to get it done. IT WORKED!! Little Mat asked every day about going to the lake down from our housebut no one else wanted to go. So, I told him we would take a vote . He went to get all the kids telling them we were going in a boat to the lake. LOL They were totally confused. We finally took him and he watched a family try to catch some fish but all they seemed to catch were turtles. He enjoyed it anyway and we enjoyed the peacefulness of the lake.

It was a gorgeous evening. As a matter of fact it was a gorgeous week. Thank you Lord for nice weather, great times and Great Friends!!!

I was sad to see them leave today but the kids were already talking about doing this again next summer and making it a yearly tradition. I forgot to mention M & I also talked to another dear soul sister in Australia. We can't wait for them to return and join us, then we will have 4 more children in the bunch.

We decided to share a few pics of our week and some Wild Indians.
Breaktime at the Pool!!
My three clowns!!!
Cleo wasn't sure whether to play or hide from these characters!

A nice quiet evening with Narnia!
The lake was so calm you could see the reflections of the geese. This is our sweet Matt.

Is that wild Indians on the roof or FBI agents with prisoners? S can hang with the boys or be the sweet, young lady God made her. The guys love it because she not just this prissy girl who fusses over her hair.

One sad little Fuller!! Could they be that hungry?? Worms??? We did feed them!!!

Let me out of here!! I have to go home now.

Thank you Lord for Friends to build special memories with. May our lives and our families glorify Your name!!


Technonana said...

I don't believe that you can understand having fun in such a large family unless you have one!!
So very glad you had a good week!!
I have the 3 Reeders kids with me for the week-end...
Oh, Yeah, we went "night swimming" they love that!!
Love You!!

nanatrish said...

It looks like you guys had tons of fun. The kids all look like they are having a ball. I am not used to being around a large family, but every time I have visited friends that have a large family it was so fun. There was tons of energy and never a dull moment. I hope you are having a great weekend.