As I write this post I am awestruck by the goodness of my Lord.
It would take me days and many blogs to share with you what God has and is doing in this young man's (my son's) life. I thank God for being able to care for him these 16 years. He is a true Gift from God. J and I thank God for the many people that have been such a major part of his life!! You are truly an encouragement to all of us. His birthday celebration was such fun and so many of you from different places were able to come and be a part of this special Blessing!!
For some of you that don't know us very well or not at all. In our home when you turn 16 there is a great big celebration. It is a time set aside to encourage and pronounce a special Blessing on the Birthday child. For some weeks before the celebration I call 16 people that have been a part of their life, from the time they were born until now. Some have known them all their lives while others maybe a short time. We choose friends, relatives, elders and pastors to take part in this time of Blessing. There have been parties at the beach while others have been at home or in a restaraunt. J was definitely wanting his to be at the beach but it just wasn't going to happen so I decided to bring the Beach to him. The whole week before, he was at camp so I planned and shopped for sand,shells,water fun,beach umbrellas,beach balls and lots of Orange and Purple since he is one of the biggest Clemson fans I know aside from his brother. There was to be volleyball,WATER FUN,(waterguns & splash balls) and not to forget the Beach Music for shagging on the sand (poured on the concrete slab). Oh, and these parties are always family oriented because we believe our children need to have friends of all ages.(That is the real world). How many of you work with only people of your age? This has taught our children to be interested in people of other ages and not just their peers.
We also share scipture that the Lord has given us for the children throughout their life. J's is joshua 1:8-9.......This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth; but thou shalt meditate on it day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success.(in God's eyes)
Have not I commanded you? Be thou strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whereever thou goeth.
Joshua has a rich christian heritage and we are thankful for that. We pray that as he goes through this life and through the trials that life brings our way,he will look back on this time and be GREATLY ENCOURAGED...IN THE LORD.
Here's a few pics of the party....
Thanks for making his day so special.. you and John are such a rich blessing to this precious child... and thanks for the pictures!! I know Joshua really appreciates all you do for him!!
Love You and him!!
First of all: WHAT A BOARD!!! Buck will be so jealous!! ;-)
Secondly, what an awesome birthday this must have been! How fortunate Josh is to have such wonderful, loving parents who made is day so very special.
Great pictures, thanks for sharing!
What a lovely [post, Cheryl. I know it must have been a wonderful celebration! Norris is going to love the surfboard!
Happy birthday to Josh from all of us!
PS- the video worked!
I had to come back so Papa could see the pictures... he wants to know how long the long board is... and how tall is Joshua?
The board is 10 ft and Joshua is about 5'9". This is his favorite board. You should see him ride!!!!
I would love too!!!
He is soooo handsome!!! But I COULD just be prejudice!!!
What a great birthday party! I know he must be so happy to have been given such a wonderful party. I'm glad you had so much fun. Doesn't sixteen years fly by?
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