Friday, March 13, 2009


Just wanted to give a quick update to those of you who have been praying for Victor.
Some missionaries in Nampula were able to get a plane into the area where Victor was on Thursday morning and take him home so he could get the medical treatment he needed. His fever spiked while on the plane but they were able to give him IV antibiotics. At the hospital in Nampula they were told he had a blood infection. He was given more antibiotics and sent home to rest.
His wife Christina had to deplete their savings in order to pay for the plane, but she knew it could've gotten alot worse without the medical treatment. Many die for lack of treatment.
We are all grateful for your prayers. As we all know ..The fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
Thank you, Thank you for standing in the gap for this young couple.



Technonana said...

Oh How Amazing is our God!! There is none like Him!
Now we need to work on helping them get back on their feet!!

OurLilFullFam said...

Oh Praise the Lord!

I am so glad he is doing better, and I do think it sounds like that was a horribly dangerous situation!


Kathy said...

How awesome is our God - our prayers are being heard and answered!! love, Kathy

nanatrish said...

I am praying for Victor. Our Lord can do all things! He will have a wonderful testimony. Please keep us updated.