Wednesday, August 20, 2008


August 12,1978
I sometimes think I am the most blessed woman in the whole world. I do know others that feel the same way for many reasons. But the main reason I am feeling this way right now is that my wonderful husband of 30 years, the one that I share 5 beautiful children with has done everything he could think of to surprise me for our anniversary. Of course you do need to know that this is not an area that he will say he is strong in.(But believe me he has many,many other strengths and for those I am most grateful.

For now I would like to share briefly our 30 years and our wonderful weekend.....

*J and I were a blind date...............but God could see clearly the plans He had for us.

*J was not a christian when we were married (but was a PK)in 1978..I saw God do amazing things in his life during those first 5-6 yrs as He brought J to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

*God moved us to a DeRidder,LA in 1983 where God blessed us with a wonderful paster and wife that discipled us and encouraged us both in the husband and wife roles as well as God's plan for raising children in the Lord.

*J and I were blessed with a son and daughter in the first 6 yrs and believe me we thought we were the ALL AMERICAN FAMILY. You know boy,girl,dog,cat,minivan and boat. Why, what more could we want or need.

*We needed 3 more children..but how..I had a complete hysterectomy at 32 yrs. When God wants to give you something....He does it .... We are grateful!!!!!

*You know the song "God's Still Working on Me" that was us.

* Well, as He has been working in us ,we have been trying to follow His word.
And as we seek His Kingdom first, all the rest will be added as He sees fit.
Have there been trials in family, in relationships, yes, but without them we would not get stronger.

* I don't know about you but I want to be strong, so there needs to be less of me and more of God. " Be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might. (Let the weak say I am strong because of what the Lord has done for me..)

* He has shown us His desire for our finances and as we have submitted to Him , He has blessed beyond what we could ever ask or imagine and not just in the monetary.

* Again sometimes things looked pretty dim. but HE IS FAITHFUL.

So as I write this post sharing some of what OUR GREAT GOD has done in our marriage,

I am hoping that whereever you are, whether my children or a friend or a blogging buddy. Know that God can do miraculous things. But whatever He does it is because He knows what we need even though we do not understand.

I thank my God for my husband, my friend, my encourager and most of all for a Godly spouse to be my Spiritual Leader. I look forward to 30+ more years.


1. He took care of the children being care for...Great Job honey.. Thanks Berry's and Kriewaldts..(the animals almost got forgotten)

2. He planned for the weekend to be a surprise.. which he normally doesn't do and is hard to do for me as I open all the mail....confirmation ticket for a weekend at Wild Dunes-Boardwalk Inn.
3. Friday night dinner with longtime family friends David and KaKa (our older 2 were toddler buddies...) which was a surprise..even though I knew they would be in Charleston that weekend moving there daughter. We share so many years and memories. Thanks David and KaKa...It was great!!! They were married on Aug.14,1976.

4. Saturday brought surprise number 3...A Swedish massage...I needed it after this last year caring for my mom. (he had to call Darling Daughter #1 as he had no idea about massages.

5. Oh, I forgot the BEAUTIFUL DOZ> RED ROSES.......They were absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!
6. The Best was just spending the weekend together and watching the sun rise on Sunday morning.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and forevermore.

From the rising of the sun to its going down...The Lord's name is to be praised. Psalm 113:2-3

Our God is an Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above, with Wisdom, Power and Love...
Our God is an Awesome God..



Susanne said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! What a wonderful weekend you had! ;-)

I praise God for you both, your marriage, and your godly example to us all.

Much Love,

Technonana said...

I just loved hearing about your week-end... John is truly a treasure of the best kind!!!
What an Awesome God we have.

Love you!!

Cheryl Nichols said...

You got that right!
Thanks for the encouragement from both of you.

georgiamom said...

Congrads!!!! How sweet! So glad you had time together to celebrate!!

valerie said...

Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Yes, the trip to San Antonio was wonderful and I am blessed to have had the chance to spend it with my grown daughter.
Congratulations on 30 years of marriage. Your husband did good!
What a nice surprise.
You have a lovely family.
I hope to talk to you again soon.
Be blessed,