Saturday, September 6, 2008

Daily Devotions

When things get busy around my house or I get behind in things my nature is to just be totally overwhelmed. And as my family can tell you sometimes it is not a pretty sight. I know that I need to be patient and loving. I know that I should not let myself be ruled by the situation and go off the deep end. Oh, the Love of Christ is what I need. Yes, to be ruled by the Holy Spirit is all powering. That kind of Love is not my nature. I need the patience, I need the peace, I need to look for a way to be constructive. I need to daily, minute by minute ask the Lord for His Love to work through me and in me, that I might show His love alone especially to those around me.
Elisabeth Elliot has been such a tool the Lord has used in my life. I just recently came across her daily devotionals and I pray that God will continue use her in a mighty way.
Be blessed this day!

Elisabeth Elliot's Daily Devotional

Title: Constructive Love
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Today will be full of turmoil, for we are moving. Decisions to be made, complicated sorting and packing to be done, hard physical work, confusion and misunderstanding. I will be tempted to "manage" things which are not mine to manage, to be impatient and anxious and vindictive--I can see it coming! But there is a quiet, steadying power--the love of Christ, and "this love of which I speak is slow to lose patience, looks for a way of being constructive" (l Cor 13:4 JBP). It is not in me. That brand of love is not a part of my nature. So I simply ask for it. Lord, your love alone, at work in me, behaves like that.
Love through me, Love of God.Make me like thy clear airThrough which, unhindered, colors passAs if it were not there.--(Amy Carmichael, Toward Jerusalem)
Daily devotions courtesy of, a ministry of Back to the Bible.


Sarah said...

I too am prone to getting totally overwhelmed and it can over take me without my knowing it! For me it sometimes takes a stressful situation for me to really figure out which things are mine to manage and which are not.

Technonana said...

I need a copy of this to put on my fridge... that way I would be reminded to give it to God each day!!!
Thanks my sister for this wonderful post!!!

Mom_E said...


Justamere is a home made for people who have been blessed by Elisabeth Elliot, have grown at her feet, and who miss her public ministry tremendously, is it not?

Blessings, Sarah