Even now as I try to put my thoughts down I grow weepy and just downright heavy burden.......But...I know the Lord tells us to cast our burdens on Him... all ye who are heavy laden, cast your yoke upon me and I will give you rest.
Have you ever just felt like... why can't I do something .....to help....how can I help? WELL, I'M CALLING ON EVERYONE I KNOW TO PRAY!!
About a little over 2 months almost 3 ... our dear, sweet, 5 month old granddaughter was diagnosed with a very rare disease.(1) Eosiniphilic Granuloma......the dotors also gave it the name (2)Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis... then (3) letterer siwe disease which is the more severe case of LCH.
In March she had surgery to remove a growth on the right temporal area of the skull.....she did great!!!... it was extremely large!!!! The Neurosurgeon said it was the largest granuloma he had ever seen IN AN INFANT THIS SMALL.
After some more tests and seeing skin lesions, then also lesions in her pelvic, along with an enlarged spleen, the doctors decided to begin an 8 wk. round of chemo with steroids twice a day. Then they will re-evaluate...doing more scans to see if the chemo is working. He says it will be a year of chemo and more than likely even longer.
As of today she has had 3 treatments and we're looking at issues with her port. She will be heading for the hospital on Monday to get this taken care of we pray.
There is definitely more to share but this Noni is exhausted...YES, I am also keeping our 4 yr.old and 2 yr.old grandsons this week as they have a new Baby Sister..... Just wanted to fill you in a little and ask you to be praying for her and her Mom, Dad and Big sister as they minister to her and her needs, will post more later.........
Thank you for going before the Throne of God on behalf of this Dear Little one. Cheryl